About Fire Island New York

About-Fire-Island-New York Beach-Scene

What's so Great About Fire Island

There are many different Fire Islands to love – quiet family villages, party towns where anything goes, LGBT communities, private enclaves, singles towns and everything in between. It doesn’t matter how old you are. Here, you can play on the beach like you are a kid again, hang out with friends or just take a nap on the deck. Leave your shoes home.

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How Fire Island Got Its Name

There are several theories on how Fire Island got its name.

One theory is that it was named after the inlet on its western end, which was then called “Five Islands”, the number of small islands then at the mouth of the inlet. But over time “Five” may have been read as “Fire” because in old maps, a v looks similar to an r. It could have been a typo!

Old Lettering R

Another theory is that fires built on the beaches by the early inhabitants gave the island its name. Native Americans signaled for supplies by lighting fires; whalers used fires to guide their ships into the inlet and to boil blubber into oil.

Some say that pirates lit fires on the beaches to lure ships to shore to be plundered.

Yet another idea is that the Native Americans named it for the fiery rash they acquired from the the poison ivy which grows in profusion to this day.

Somewhere along the way, this amazing stretch of land came to be known as Fire Island.



Wild and Unspoiled

What is clear about Fire Island is the magical quality it has and the devotion its residents have for it.

This 32 mile-long barrier island is considered to have one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

Free of cars except for emergency vehicles in the summer, it remains wild, unspoiled, and pristine.

The absence of a main road due to activist residents who stopped Robert Moses from building a highway through the island has allowed each community the isolation to develop its own character.

There are many different Fire Islands – quiet family villages, LGBT communities, party towns, private enclaves, hidden havens for the reclusive, singles towns, and everything in between.

With only about a third of its land inhabited, there are wide stretches of wilderness, home to an abundance of wildlife. The National Seashore is well protected.

The deer continue to tolerate us, the birds keep singing and the raccoons keep raiding our trash cans. But we manage to live together.

An Unpretentious Destination

Remarkably, Fire Island can be reached in less than 2 hours from downtown Manhattan, making it a refuge from the stresses of New York life. View Directions to Fire Island

The casual lifestyle, unpretentious atmosphere and absence of cars makes Fire Island both a legendary party destination and an oasis for peace and relaxation.

There are quite a few year-rounders in the 21 towns and villages, but the warm weather brings the majority of the residents.

The Atlantic Ocean beaches are spectacular for swimming, boogie-boarding, fishing, yoga, strolling, windsurfing, kadema playing, surfing and often, napping.

The Great South Bay to our north abounds with sailors, boaters and little kids trying to catch minnows.

Then of course, there’s always the jaw-dropping sunsets.

Find out more about each Town or Village, get maps, directions, weather and tide tables and locate businesses.

Sunset-over-Bay-Fire-Island New York